I feel like I have been a bit self indulgent in this blog. And lazy.
I haven't really taken any photos ( as people keep reminding me) of my life and surrounds here.
In fact, I have been piggy backing off other people's ( visitors) photos and taking them off facebook and putting them on my blog. Not only is that complete and utter laziness, but it is also outright plagarism (but because these people are acquintances/friends, I am hoping that they will turn a blind eye to my digital theiving ways).
It also really defeats much of the point of this blog because this blog is about my travels through my eyes.
So my promise to myself, is to start taking some more photos. And learn how to use my camera properly. And upload the results here. And get the film from my lomo camera developed. I've had that camera since my travels in July last year and it's had the same roll of film in it.
Since the weather is nicer, I will be getting out tomorrow for a long stroll/cycle and hope to have some awesome photos to upload on here soon.
On another topic, you all might think that I have had something of a one track mind, since all I can keep talking about here and on facebook is the sun.
Let me tell you, the sun is VERY important here. I can't stop ranting and raving about it - the lack of it, the abundance of it, the way it makes me feel when I feel it, see it, or rather when I don't see it or feel it. But after having some tea and banana bread the other night with Pia on the houseboat, she revealed that sometimes she feels like a bit of a nutcase because she can't stop talking about it either sometimes, in her blog or on facebook. I no longer feel like a retard.
It's worthy of it's own post really, but allow me to explain a few key learnings from my time living here.
- Just because the sun is out and it's bright, DOES NOT mean that it is warm.
- When the sun is out and there is a skerrit of warmth in the atmosphere, haul your ass to the nearest grassy knoll with a picnic blanket and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
- If you are sitting in the office, and the sun is shining, take a long walk outside for lunch.
- Appreciate the sun. Always. In all ways.
- The sun = life and happiness. Brilliant colour, wide smiles, and open hearts are all evident when it is apparent.
Having said this, the sun has been taunting Amsterdam for the last couple of weeks, and over the last few days, the city has been blessed with continuous sunshine. I can't help but feel (and hope) that Spring is finally here, and I think the whole cliche about new beginnings is actually in effect for me.
New home, new focus on an old hobby, new perspective on things , new activities and new friends.