Grotere kaart weergeven
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Retrospective 2: Here she saw, in Herisau
Grotere kaart weergeven
Retrospective #1: World Cup 2010 Finale
Fly in, Fly out
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Buzz Words - Buzz off
"I mean, her USP is based on the fact that she... oh my god. I did not just say that did I?"
Oh yes Rani. Yes - you - did.
It stands for Unique Selling Point.
I am now talking to my friends in such manner that I am describing people like products in an advertising brief.
I think it's time for a holiday.
Today's forecast:

"Steamy with an afternoon change in fortune."
There's a change in the air here in Amsterdam.
The weather has been flitting from sunny and lazy, to humid and steamy.
This is the type of weather whereby I become the 5th element. I am so in my element, that I feel like a completely different person.
I know a change is on the cards. I don't know what, but I can feel it.
(Artwork by one of my favourite visual artists, Chloe Early. It describes exactly how I am feeling right now.)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Baby's first digital leash
I have been given a Blackberry for work.
I resisted. Ooh, how I resisted. I was like Scarlett O'Hara, under Rhett Butler's charming clutches; struggling, fussing, cussing.
When they asked me if I wanted one, I said "no, thanks."
When they suggested, I said "how about a good old fashioned Nokia instead? You can call anytime between Monday and Friday - 8.30am until 5.30pm. Email access is overated. Calendar synchronisation is an organisational myth!"
Then it turned into more of an issue, like "If you had a Blackberry, and responded to your email at 8.35 this morning, situation X might not have turned out like that" and then I knew, it was more like "Organise one, or perhaps organise another job."
I relented.
I think this is part and parcel of the "growing up" thing.
I would still like to think that I have not lost ownership of my soul, free time, or dignity by being in possession of this black plastic device. Allow me to be disillusioned for at least a minute.
At least I know (and now you all know) I didn't sell out; I got beaten down.
So, the company has me on a digital leash.
At least it's shiny.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
1 in 160,000
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The things that keep us apart, keep me alive
Dear home,
I miss your bustling,Chinese restaurants where I know exactly what to order and what to not make the mistake of even glancing at, on the menu. I miss giving the exceptionally tall waiter called Raymond a chin check, as I wait in line to get a table, and the msg laced food that usually sails past me as my stomach growls.
I miss your delicious, and insanely cheap Vietnamese restaurants that reminded me of being a kid and eating out with my dad, as a special treat. The shiny grilled pork balls, silky and partially translucent cold rolls with thin green stems of chives that stick out, and the gourmet spread of other fried and grilled delights that I usually share with people that are family by blood or otherwise.
I miss your balmy summer nights in January.
I miss the glossy weekend magazines, bundled with the Saturday edition of the high brow national paper, allowing me to immerse my mind into the topical feature articles of the week, and capping the read off nicely with national real estate porn.
I miss hearing your endearing and lovely accents on the other side of the phone whenever I call a bank, insurance company or doctors office.
I miss your fashion: bright funky prints, flowing dresses, inexpensive and well made accessories and a fabric scope that extends beyond jersey and leather.
I miss your boys with short haircuts.
I miss your 10pm clear skies with hundreds of stars, that with a squint of the eyes, turn into thousands of stars, the further out of the city limits I drive.
I miss your wide roads that take me through familiar inner suburbs, winding hills and stomach churning dips and pristine natural landscapes.
I miss your takeaway gelati that comes box wrapped in bright, lolly coloured paper, making evening sweet treats feel like a celebration, not just a superfluous indulgence. And brunch - a whole meal that doesn't exist where I am.
I'm coming back at some stage. But not yet. I'm not done yet. I don't know why. I'm just not.
Dutch domination
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The definition of cultural patience
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hup Holland Hup
Festy one handed gimp
Sometimes I get really fed up with living in a foreign country where things like this throw me into a spin. Realising that I live somewhere where I am unfamiliar with processes and policies on lifestyle infrastructure (insurance, hospitals, rights, laws etc) make me completely vulnerable, and I hate feeling vulnerable because it makes me feel pathetic.