Tuesday, March 23, 2010

True North

I'm moving house in two weeks!

I'm moving out to the Old West, in search of my True North.

At the moment I live in Zeeburg, a suburb in the East of Amsterdam, but I don't really live in the east. I live North of Central station, on the east side, but it feels so far away from the centre, or anything remotely amsterdam related.

Good news: I'm moving closer to the a central part of a multiculural hood, closer to my 'wife', and close to a really multicultural part of Amsterdam, to some very local cool bars etc, and a supermarket around the corner. And I have a balcony.


Bad news: The private rental market prices. I am paying the equivalent of a a one way ticket back to Australia, per month, for rent, gas, cable tv, internet, water, electricity.

If only I knew someone with a rent controlled Apartment here. One of my colleagues was really excited when I told him about my new place.

'Look, look!' he said, pointing to his screen.

'I used to live around the corner from where you live now! It was so cheap, I think I paid a couple of hundred euros a month for a while.'

I peered closer to the screen.

'You lived above the coffee shop? Called 'High Times'?'

I gulped another sip of my coffee.

He smirked. 'Yeah. My brother's girlfriend sublet it to me....' he looked longingly at it.

'Yeah...' he trailed off... 'they were good times...'

'I bet.' I said, noticing the wistful look in his eyes.

1 comment:

cewek said...

So does that mean Gorilla and I can stay with you when we come over??