Monday, January 24, 2011

A travel to do list

Lonely Planet recently published an article called "10 Essential stops for Europe first timers".

Basically the list is below, and I just felt like crossing off some of the places where I have been already and recording it.

LONDON - been, and wouldn't mind going back but not going out of my way
PARIS - to do
BARCELONA - done, and still want to go do more
ROME - done, and will go back again one day for Pompeii and more
VIENNA - to do
BUDAPEST - to do
BERLIN - done, and want to move there, but not now
ATHENS - to do, but more keen on the islands
ISTANBUL - to do, but more keen on the beaches

1 comment:

cewek said...

yeah I wouldn't stay in Athens for too long either. Just see the Acropolis and get out! The Greek Isles are way better!