Sunday, October 17, 2010

Loud and Clear

Have you ever met anyone who you thought had a direct connection to the Universe?

You know - they talk and it just makes sense, like they are a medium between the forces that be and you, just delivering a message that you need to know/hear.

While some people are simply wise from age, and some have admirable approaches to life through spiritual ethos' or otherwise, these people are just mediums that can spring an answer or word of advice from some unknown source.

They usually don't know where the urge to splutter the words come from, but it just comes, and flows through them, and makes complete sense to them and the intended audience when it comes out.

I know a couple of people like that: Louise, a gorgeous Lebanese/Italian/Australian friend who I met up with in Rome ( as part of our holiday posse). She definitely has something happening with the Universe. She speaks and even cockraches listen in, just to know what is going to be revealed. Another friend on the same trip, Cally, sometimes came out with some golden lines of truth, often out of nowhere, that completed the questions that had been twirling around in my head for the entire duration of the holiday.

My work colleague/bestie in the office, Evelien, is one of these people. She and I muck around constantly in the office, practicing dutch (whether she's teaching me how to say "asshole", or we recite dutch dialogue plays downloaded over the internet about iPhones or hairdressers) or turning up the music being streamed over the internet to have an impromptu dance off. But sometimes, in times of seriousness, when we are working, or at times just being completely still, she'll turn to me, mid-email, and say; "It was supposed to happen like that." or "The answer is coming, so don't be impatient", referring to my particular dilemma of the week or of the month that I may have raised that morning, or a week ago. (Male, or otherwise.) Then, as if she's satisfied that her role in the search for answers has been fulfilled, she'll knod with reaffirmation, then keep typing her email about our Chilean offices' latest branding dilemma or the Hungarian branches' logo request.

I have big love for her, she's my dutch, blonde sherpa in navigating that rocky and demanding road in the life expatriate and in growing up to be the best person I can be.

Another person I feel that fills this box is Paulo Coelho, the famous Brazilian author.
His blog is filled with amazing reads, and lovely poetry that is simple to digest and resonates and is inspiring to say the least.

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