Monday, January 23, 2012

Ick. IKEA.

Inside a large maze of fake rooms
Kids are lost, wailing "Mummy?"
Everything needs instructions
A lively buzz fueled by meatballs

- written by me as a poetical wrap of my first single IKEA experience.

I went to IKEA today to buy a new bed since I am moving house at the end of the week and the bed frame I have now belongs to the house.

I felt so strange buying a bed. I am so furniture adverse for the consequences of moving and owning such hefty items.

I walked into IKEA and broke out in a cold sweat seeing young families, young couples, heavily pregnant women contemplating cots, and young men thinking about home office systems.

People that have settled down.

Then I chose a bed with storage options underneath it and I was frazzled for about an hour. Then we went and had Swedish meatballs and fries in the cafeteria and I calmed down a little bit.

Everything here is so uncertain. I have concerns about my visa being out of date when I turn 30 in 5 months time because of the salary conditions that come with it.

All I want is just one more year.

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