Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What work looks like

Work at the moment looks like a mushed up piece of avocado, splattered across the kitchen counter that is my day.

Freelance work smears itself across the normal working day ( for example, I just spent 3 hours working on an article that has nothing to do with my day job)

Other days I can't get a split second to myself and I am pulled into inane meetings where I wish I was working on all the other things I need to do (which have nothing to do with the day job), and then I get off the train and plonk myself down at my dining table and turn on my mac to do more work until midnight or so.

While I detest my day-job, it has not gone unnoticed by me that I probably won't be able to find another job where I am left so much to my own devices that I can carry on with whatever the fuck I want, until something has to be produced and I have to make it look like I have put a large amount of effort into it. (Scramble to do some research, talk a lot about annoying suppliers and difficult internal stakeholders, describe the art of getting the "story right".... etc etc.)

Am I micro-managed here at the moment? No.

Will I be when I move jobs and countries? Probably, yes.

So my point is, I really need to find a solution where I can combine working on things I like

Or else I am going to have to (pretend to) work a full time job and then come home and moonlight instead of just getting a job that I do like which can tick some satisfaction boxes.

I hope this is feasible.

Other people do it, right? Jobs they like?

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