Sunday, January 17, 2010

The perfect little bachelorette pad

Laura has a new apartment.

It's awesome. It is possibly the most perfect little apartment for her.

We moved her in on Friday night at 10pm. She's still got some of her stuff at her old place, but not much. Between us we carried a suitcase, 2 traveller backpacks, and 3 carry bags and 2 handbags of stuff to her new place and up the steep Amsterdam stairs to her 2nd floor, 1 bedroom, separate living room, separate kitchen, separate bathroom palace. It is, in a word, supacute.

The whole apartment is teeny tiny, like maybe 35m sq, but the living room has a little pot belly heater, a mantlepiece, chandelier and a light pink wall.

What this place lacks in space, it makes up in character.

She settled in over the weekend, putting her stuff around the place and unpacking. We went to the supermarket across the road to buy some food and household stuff.

I bought myself a toothbrush to keep at her place - That, in itself, speaks volumes about how much time we spend together.

We had a little housewarming by cranking up her heater, eating swiss cheese, celery, bread and dips, drinking cups of tea, playing music videos on youtube, and eventually drinking 3 bottles of wine.

I'm very happy for her.

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