Monday, January 11, 2010

Train mishap# 432

8.12 am
-3 degrees

I am frantically boarding the train to Den Haag, via Schipol, I've just made it with seconds to spare. Usually I get off at Schipol and transfer to the train to Hoofddorp. I am sweaty, puffing, but smug, I am going to be on time... nee, EARLY this monday morning. Yes! Life is good.

8.22 am
Amsterdam Sloterdijk station: Announcement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Please depart the train here to change trains to Amsterdam Zuid, and Station RAI. A special announcement; this train is making an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today, an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today."

Hmmm... Did he just say what I think he said?

8.29 am
Amsterdam Leylaan station: Announcement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Please ensure you take all your belongings with you as you depart this train. A special announcement; this train is making an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today, an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today."

Ok, it was definitely clear that time. Today is my lucky day! No need to transfer.

8.35 am
Schipol : Announcement.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Amsterdam Schipol International airport. A special announcement; this train is making an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today, an extra special stop at Hoofddorp today."

Ok, I need to be sure about this. I am NOT, repeat, NOT going to Hoorn or Leiden this morning, or Den Haag. I am GOING TO MAKE IT TO WORK.

I turn to the guy next to me;
"Did he just say that this train is going to be stopping at Hoofddorp today?"

"Yes, he did"

"Ok, great thanks."

Train approaches Hoofddorp station and slows slightly, and then speeds up again. I am standing at the doors waiting for the train to stop, and notice there doesn't seem to be any intention for the train to actually cease moving.

"Ladies and Gentlemen: we've decided not to stop at Hoofddorp station today. We'll be letting you off at the next stop where you can board the next train back to Hoofddorp."

-4.5 degrees

I am standing at a train stop (not even a station, it's a platform with a sign post in the middle) in the middle of nowhere, amongst snow covered fields, continuing my mental cursing of NS - the dutch rail company- the train driver, his wife, his dog, and any children he might have, vowing that I will seek his name, and start mastering a grand plan for him to be dumped at this very train stop at 3 in the morning, in nothing but his little train driver hat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen: The next train to Hoofddorp will not be arriving until 9am. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you."

Late when I was meant to be early, on the morning my boss comes back from holidays, and cold. Oh so cold.

Fuck You NS. Fuck You.

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