Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baby's first digital leash

Triumph or tragedy?

I have been given a Blackberry for work.

I resisted. Ooh, how I resisted. I was like Scarlett O'Hara, under Rhett Butler's charming clutches; struggling, fussing, cussing.

When they asked me if I wanted one, I said "no, thanks."

When they suggested, I said "how about a good old fashioned Nokia instead? You can call anytime between Monday and Friday - 8.30am until 5.30pm. Email access is overated. Calendar synchronisation is an organisational myth!"

Then it turned into more of an issue, like "If you had a Blackberry, and responded to your email at 8.35 this morning, situation X might not have turned out like that" and then I knew, it was more like "Organise one, or perhaps organise another job."

I relented.

I think this is part and parcel of the "growing up" thing.

I would still like to think that I have not lost ownership of my soul, free time, or dignity by being in possession of this black plastic device. Allow me to be disillusioned for at least a minute.

At least I know (and now you all know) I didn't sell out; I got beaten down.

So, the company has me on a digital leash.

At least it's shiny.

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