Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ik heet Rani...

and I speak dutch.

Sort of.

I'm taking dutch lessons here in Jakarta, with a private tutor. She's 87 years old, and really really sweet. When I first met her, I thought she was only in her late sixties, she's that fit.

She is also really, really fit mentally, and is a good teacher. Whenever I get something right, she claps her hands in delight, and gives me the proudest smile. She also makes me call her 'Oma', which is dutch for grandmother. She's very patient with me, which is good, because she conducts her lessons in Indonesian, so I have to mentally translate her teachings into english and then apply the dutch equivalents... hard work, for two hours a day, six days a week.

Mum and Dad know some dutch, because they learnt it at school. Handy to practice conversational skills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

banis, I'm liking this updating thing. good work. so glad you're learning another language. thats awesome. whats the weather like in bali? nothing much happening here, but glad to hear you're well. rah! peace out love. x