Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another day, another Junkie trying to offload his bike to me...

Sunday Sunday Sunday...

Woohoo, so much achieved ...

Clean room!

Mobile Phone contract!

Caught up with my friend Sverre, we haven't seen each other in something ridiculous like 5 weeks.. was really good to see him. He's been in Norway, and then working on some massive animation projects so it's been hard for both of us. He took me to this Ethiopian place for dinner, it was Ah-maaaaazing... we even had coconut beer (!!!! Sublime!) and I finished up with a cardamon tea... Ohhh so good.

As we were walking into the restaurant, we were crossing the bike lane, and a junkie cycled past, happy as larry ..."Need a bike?" he called out as he flashed past us.

It did look like a good bike, but I think I'l just stick with mine.

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