Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dear Sunshine

So here you are. Back from your long business trip.

I hear your project down south went well. You got critical acclaim, they can't stop talking about you over there.

But you're back again. Finally.

Seeing you again fills me with glee - an overwhelming rush that is familiar and welcome.

I know its been a while since we've seen each other, but nothing has changed. Really. Honestly. We had something good on the other side of the world, tell me it will work out again here in Amsterdam, at least for a few months, before you pack up and leave for your obligations on the other hemisphere. I hope we can create some new memories together, and have a fresh start.

I missed you.. a lot. I'm sorry that I never told you how much you mean to me, but now you know.

People told me you would leave, but I didn't believe them. They tried to warn me, but I wouldn't listen. I thought they were just being mean, flippant and short, teasing me with their cruel predictions.

I took you for granted, and I'm sorry. I know better now.

But you're back. That's all that matters. Let's make the most of our short time together.

Please stay. For a little while. I don't want a fling- I'm serious this time. I'm different now - I can see you for what you really are, and what all your qualities bring to my life.

I've known you all my life, and I realise that we were meant to be together. It took you leaving to make me realise these things... There's nothing to work out - let's just be together. Pick up where we left off, like nothing ever happened. I'll just be me, you just be you - it will be beautiful.

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