Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm sorry, I need something less.... innocent.

Standing in the cafeteria line this morning, to be served breakfast.

Me: I'll have the french toast this morning, thanks.
French Christian cafe dude: (thick french accent) Ok, oui, ok. So, er, how was your night last night?
Me: Yes, fine thank you. How was yours?
FCCD: Err, I am a little bit tired today, because I was up very late last night.
Me: Oh, ok, what did you do?
FCCD: The staff from here, we had a pancake party.
Me: (pause) A pan-cake party? (thinking I had misunderstood. Is it easter or Shrove Tuesday already?!?)
FCCD: Oui, we had two staff members leaving today, so we had a farewell for them last night. Very late night.
Me: (the penny finally drops. This is how Born Again Christians have a good time.) Oh, Awesome.
FCCD: So, tonight is Hostel night, you will join us, no? There will be games and activities and a free meal from 7 o'clock here in the cafe?
Uhhh, sure.

(2 hours later on the tram from the Foreign Police station.)
Ring Ring...
Me: Hello Pia?
Pia: Hey! How are you?
Me: Great thanks! So... what time are we going for drinks tonight?
Pia: See you at my place at about 6 o'clock?
Me: Perfect, see you then!

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